Wealth Generation: Old Money vs New Money

Research shows that the wealth generation methods and the accumulation of wealth among the wealthy vary significantly, with distinctions often made between “New Money” and “Old Money.” According to an analysis by the St. Louis Fed, the wealthiest 0.1% of households often start wealthy in their 20s, investing heavily in equity and saving a large portion of their income. This group’s wealth is further divided into those who were already wealthy (“Old Money”) and those who accumulated wealth through higher savings rates and higher returns on wealth (“New Money”). The study found that higher initial wealth, higher saving rates, and higher returns on investment were the key factors driving the wealth accumulation for the wealthiest individuals, with these factors becoming increasingly important as these individuals aged​​.

The growth of wealth in America has been uneven since the Great Recession, with higher income groups seeing a significant increase in their net worth through investments like equity and mutual funds. This contrasts with lower income groups, where real estate, a significant component of their wealth, has not returned to pre-recession values. The top 20% of income earners saw their net worth grow by 78% since the recession, increasing their share of the nation’s wealth from 64% to 72%. In comparison, the bottom 20% of income earners saw their wealth drop by 30%​​.

Moreover, global wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a small wealthy elite who have generated and sustained their vast riches through their interests and activities in key economic sectors, including finance and insurance, and pharmaceuticals and healthcare. These sectors are known for spending millions on lobbying to create policies that protect and enhance their interests further. Such activities emphasize the role of policy environment in wealth accumulation and the increasing concentration of wealth among the elite​​. Web site.

The most common methods through which the wealthy have generated their wealth include investments in equity, high saving rates, and earning higher returns on investments. The role of initial wealth is also significant, particularly for those categorized as “Old Money.” The increasing concentration of wealth is influenced by various factors, including economic activities in specific sectors and lobbying for favorable policies.

New Money Wealth

New Money wealth generation encompasses a variety of strategies, ranging from traditional investment to innovative business practices and personal development. Here’s a breakdown of key methods that have been highlighted for achieving and expanding New Money wealth:

  1. Family Money Mission Statement: Creating a family money mission statement involves defining your family’s financial goals, values, and principles, similar to a business mission statement. This approach helps in aligning family members towards a common financial vision, ensuring that wealth is preserved and enhanced across generations​​.
  2. Investment in Right Assets: Focusing on sustainable investments that can benefit multiple generations is crucial. Index funds, for instance, are recommended for their ability to provide stable returns over the long term. Warren Buffett himself has suggested investing 90% of his estate into the S&P 500, emphasizing the importance of wise investments that can be sustained across generations​​.
  3. Asset Location and Tax Strategy Optimization: Efficient tax planning and choosing the right investment vehicles, like Roth IRAs, can significantly impact wealth accumulation and preservation. These strategies ensure that your investments can grow tax-free and are accessible to your heirs under favorable tax conditions​​.
  4. Embracing Technology and Innovation: Staying abreast of technological advancements and leveraging them for business and investment can unlock new avenues for growth. The digital era offers unprecedented opportunities for wealth creation through innovative tools and platforms​​.
  5. Developing a Growth Mindset: Viewing challenges as opportunities and continuously seeking personal and professional development are key drivers of success. A growth mindset enables adaptability and resilience, crucial traits for navigating the complexities of wealth generation​​.
  6. Networking: Building a strong network of like-minded individuals, industry experts, and potential partners can provide valuable resources, knowledge, and opportunities that are essential for financial success​​.
  7. Investing in Yourself: Committing resources to enhance your skills and knowledge is a fundamental aspect of wealth creation. Continuous learning and professional development increase your value and potential for generating wealth​​.
  8. Diversification and Innovation in Business: Planning for the future and anticipating market changes are essential for sustaining business success. Diversifying income streams and being willing to adapt business models in response to industry trends ensure longevity and continued wealth creation​​.

Each of these strategies emphasizes a holistic and proactive approach to wealth generation, focusing not just on financial gains but also on personal growth, innovation, and long-term planning. The modern wealth landscape requires a blend of savvy investment practices, technological embrace, and a mindset geared towards growth and adaptation to achieve and maintain New Money status.